A funny thing happened on the way to build my Ogre Kingdoms army. Actually a few funny things.
First, I have a painted army, all of the sudden out of the blue, thanks to Sir Jeff, Mr. Nick and $100.
Second, I fell in love with Gnoblars.
You see, I originally wanted to play Ogres because I could paint them fast (I'm old and carpal tunnel is catching up with me). I envisioned a 10-12-model, 750-1,000-point army for fun, fast games and the ASB Doubles Tournament. I kept saying "I only want Ogres -- no Gnoblars."
Then I bought the army from Sir J and started to look at and examine the little buggers ... and I can't help it. I just love them.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Greenskins. I play 40k Orks. I play -- to varying degrees of success -- Orcs & Goblins.
But the Gnoblars are the most ridiculously cute and stupid Greenskins I have ever seen.
The look like Muppets. Mentally challenged Muppets. And maybe because I have three siblings with Downs Syndrome, I have a soft spot for mentally challenged people (no jokes). In any case they are ridiculous and characterful and just wonderful.
And not only that, each Gnoblar is a little different. There are Gnobbies with huge backpacks. There are ones with broken bottles and rusted swords and battered shields. So I'm not going to be sitting there saying to myself, "Here I am painting *another* Night Goblin. Sigh. So boring."
Did I mention they are two pieces? A body with legs and arms. And a head. Pass the plastic glue, please.
So since my Ogres are all painted (though I'll be making some special characters with my Battalion), I can imagine painting nine Gnoblar Trappers. And I can imagine going from there to painting at least one regiment of 20.
And heck. I could go from there to making an entire 2250-point* army of (insert Jobe voice) *NOTHING BUT GNOBLERS*. Ha ha just kidding. Though it would be interesting. After all, Brender calculated that we could fit 3,972 gnoblars in a deployment zone.
And with their "Largely Insignificant" rule (which means they are immune to panic when they see other Gnoblars flee), it would be an awful lot of Gnobbies to chase from the table. And hilarious too.
If I do that, I only have one recommendation: Bring your riot shields, boys and girls. And a lot of dice.
And prepare for hilarity.
*Hmmm... a 750-point army of nothing but Gnoblars would be interesting. That's still 375 Gnoblars, give or take! And a lot of sharp stuff. And lots of running.