Monday, July 6, 2009

Wood Elves phreak fest

Last week at ASB, we somehow got on the topic of Wood Elves. I think I was trying to goad Jake's GF, Kitty, into building and painting an army with me. All I said was "Wood Elves" and several people freaked out.

Jake excitedly rambled off the pros of the WE list -- skirmishing units, strength 4 longbows at 24 inches, treesurfing, etc (most of which I still don't understand the awesomeness of). Garrit freaked out cuz a) he loves him some Elves and b) "No one else is playing Wood Elves." Hmmm. Too bad my son Isaac and I were on our way out the door. Would have loved to talk about it more. Just as we were about to leave, Jeff yelled from his room "Wood Elves are gay and only gay people play them!" Despite the fact that I seriously dislike it when people use the word "gay" as a pejorative, I was interested in the list. As Jake says, "We all like it when Jeff loses."

I went home, opened up my folder of WHFB downloads and fired up the WE Army Book. Hmmm. Some good stuff. On Saturday I swooped by the Bunker and snapped up a "real" version of the Army book. "I just found out Jeff hates Wood Elves," I told Evan. "So I have to at least read this."

So my interest is peaked. Maybe Wood Elves, not Empire, will be the army I paint over the next year while I'm going to Gene Juarez Academy? Who knows -- and chime in. Meanwhile, I'd like to learn why Jeff so abhors the WE list.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Because they are a 40k army that stumbled into Fantasy.