Sunday, May 24, 2009


Well I got super pwned at the ASB Combat Patrol 40k Tournement yesterday, as I predicted.

Considering I've played fewer that ten games of 40k in my whole life, I'm not surprised. I lost four games and managed to draw one. What I'm actually surprised about is how close I got to winning a few of those games.

My poor little ork boyz performed admirably, taking out much of the opposition every game (except against Sarge and his Chimera-clad Guard... grrr :P ). Here's the thing about Orks: wound them and they die. I didn't have NEARLY enough boyz. In other words, I got tabled at least two or three times out of five games.

Given the fact that in a 400 point list I could actually afford to run two mobs of 30 boyz each, I was woefully under-boyed. Oh well. Live and learn. I'd love to play more 400-500 point games just cuz, well, they are super fun. And fast. Though I probably have 2,000 points of boyz (mostly unpainted) I *really* like playing with an army that is all painted.

Win or lose, it was good fun and my thanks go out to Jeff, Garrit and Jake for organizing the super fun, fast-paced tourney. I played FIVE games of 40k yesterday! That's pretty awesome!

Oh yeah, they are planning another tourney for July -- Doubles Fantasy. So you team up with a buddy and each bring 750 points of Fantasy goodness for a throwdown hoedown. Sounds great to me. As much as I love the fluff of 40k, when it comes right down to it, I prefer the rules in Fantasy (and the fluff ain't bad either).

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